
Hair products for hair, body and face creams.

For more details visit our store at 390 rue du pont Québec or call (418)-271-2802. This concerns hair products and all other hair care products

Top quality wigs

You will find in our stores, natural, synthetic and semi natural wigs.

Authentic extensions for your hair

Visit the store at 390 rue du pont in Quebec City, contact us or visit our online store for a variety of choices

Braids and other hair to make braids

“Cosmetic product means any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the superficial parts of the human body (epidermis, hair and capillary systems, nails, lips and external genitalia) or with the teeth and oral mucous membranes with a view, exclusively or mainly, to cleaning them, perfuming them, modifying their appearance, protecting them, maintaining them in good condition or correcting body odours (article 2 of the cosmetic regulation and article L.5131-1 of the CSP).

source: cosmetics